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Time Management For Mums

Time Management For Mums

For uber busy mums it can be tricky juggling everything that life throws at you. Let’s be honest, the magical work-life-everything else balance doesn’t really exist! It can be a lot attempting to organise meals, naps, play times, activities, and household chores. That is why we have put together our favourite tries and tested time management tips! When life throws you a curveball it’s always better to be prepared, rather than resigning to the rest of your day being out of whack.
Check them out below!
1.   Have 1 must do daily goal
Trying to complete everything under the sun can be overwhelming. Make your day simpler by outlining just one goal for the day, and give yourself a deserved pat on the back when you’ve achieved it! Longer lists can be daunting, and tricky to even get started on, whereas once one goal is completed you know you’re doing great!
2.   Wrist a list for the week
Just like if you were at the office, it can be really helpful to write tasks that need completing in your week. Once they are written down it is easier to prioritise tasks in importance and plan out your week accordingly. Also, physically ticking something off a to-do list always feels good!
3.   Set aside ‘free’ time
We all want to be the parent that can do everything (maybe even the one to achieve the mythical work-life balance!), but remember that you can’t give your family 100% if you are not feeling 100%! Don’t forget to devote time to yourself, this can be through TV time, a relaxing bath, a walk around the block, or whatever refuels your mind and body. That way you can be a happy and healthy parent.
4.   Plan and prep meals
No, we’re not talking about the counting-your-macros or bulking kind of meal prep. Instead we mean putting that Tupperware to good. For example, a pasta sauce made in a bigger batch can be frozen into containers or ice cube trays to create plenty of perfect baby size portions! There are also lots of weekly meal-planners and calendars available, pop one in your kitchen and plan your week ahead of time to make food shopping more streamlined.
5.   Have a go-to bag
This is one of our favourite tips, and it really works! Packing a carry bag full of emergency essentials like nappies, spare clothes, a snack, bottle, etc. and having this by your door means in any situation you can pick it up and go! Whether it is an emergency call, a last minute play-date, or the house has over slept and you need to be out the door, having a go-to bag ready definitely saves time.
Image credit: @bethanymenzel

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