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The most essential nesting to-dos for the to-be mums

The most essential nesting to-dos for the to-be mums

The nesting phase needs a lot of care and attention, and that is why, we bring you the ultimate list to organize your to-dos.

Nesting means you have to prepare your nest for it to be full. That requires a lot of mental and physical effort and includes a lot of aspects that you cannot overlook. From organizing your home cupboards accordingly to cleaning it to the last corner, the to-do list is always quite flexible. And that is why we are
here to ease your mind by giving you a list of all the last-minute check outs before the arrival of the little one. Have a look:

Prepare your essentials:
No matter how small these creatures are, babies require everything. They run out of all nappies, creams and lotions quicker than you can imagine. So it is important to have a mental picture of everything you might need and make a list of it. Stock up on much of the baby soap, creams, moisturizers, diapers, cotton pads, nail clippers, nasal syringes, BPA-free bottles and anything you can think might come in handy. For yourself, grab as many self-absorbent pads as possible because it is definitely not the item you want to run out of during the night time.

Cook in quantity:
If you’re obsessed with kitchen and cooking while having nesting instincts, then put it to good use. Get your meal-prep game face on and cook as much of the fridge-friendly items as possible to stock up your kitchen with quick meals. It will save up a lot of your time and bring your schedule a lot of ease later on. Because cooking with the baby is nearly possible. Store them in clear packages and put name tags to let your spouse know about everything he might want to grab when there’s no food.

Do the laundry:
It is a regular task but once the nesting instinct kicks in, you need to get rid of as many dirty clothes as possible. It will remove one more task from your to-do list and give you an ease of mind and clean wardrobes before you leave for the hospital. Wash your duvet covers, pillow cases, towels, and blankets, basically everything you’ll be using in abundance when the baby arrives. Use a good hazard- free alternative to the chemical detergents and choose the ones that are good for the environment as well as your little one. Stock it up before you leave because you’ll be needing a lot of it once the little being is in home.

Load up the pantry:
Make sure to have everything in stock in your pantry so that you don’t have to call for help every now and then once the baby arrives. You obviously won’t be rushing to the markets so having the staples beforehand is the wisest move. Make a list of all the cooking essentials you might need and make a trip to the market to have as much of everything as you can.

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