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How to Talk Through Worries and Fears of Your Child

How to Talk Through Worries and Fears of Your Child

Your child develops the ability to think and imagine by the age of 3. That is also the time when he grows various sorts of fears and worries.

Children naturally develop different scenarios in their mind and imagine various ‘what-if’ situations. Such wild imagination and creativity gives them the thrill to develop skills while enjoying their time playing. But at the same time, several worries come as the side deal. It is fairly possible that your little one might not just come up to you and talk about those worries. So just focus on his overall behaviour and notice if he or she feels anxious about something (like going to school). Do not shower them with questions as this might lead to them building barriers. Wait until they come up to you in their own time and comfort zone.

Listen for any clues in your kid’s conversation and try to answer gently. For example, during the cuddles, your child might tell you about some kid in class being punished. Ask him the reason which might be that the kid was pinching your child. This situation gives you a hint that your kid is worried that this might happen again the next day. Apart from that, several movies and cartoons also trigger a child’s confidence to give you the hint as to what worries him.

It is very important to acknowledge your child’s fears without any distress. Laughing at them will make them feel embarrassed about sharing their insecurities and will create a major generation gap. Also, if you keep your face too straight while listening to them gives the impression that you’re going through the same situation. Your kid pictures you as the superhero who can overcome any odd thrown at them. That is why, you need to have a reassuring posture and voice, and the ability to have a friendly conversation to really let them open up about anything that bothers them.

The smartest way to deal with a child’s fears is to listen to them attentively, acknowledge every word they’re saying and coming up with various solutions to help them overcome the situation. For example, if your kid is afraid of the dark, tell them that it is quite common and give them a nightlight to be safe in your absence. If he or she is afraid of falling in the toilet, get them a special seat that can support their posture and reassure their safety.

Most fears are just irrational but it is not necessary to tell that to your child. Because these worries and fears are real to their young minds. Tell them that there are no monsters under the bed and also, that everything is safe and secure in home. You may also give them a floor mattress to sleep on to let them know that it is not at all dangerous. Come up with practical ways to make your child feel calmer.

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