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A complete teething guide for new mums

A complete teething guide for new mums

One of the most trying stages of motherhood is your baby’s teething process. Below is a complete guide to the teething phase to ease any worries you might have!

Most babies start getting their teeth in at around 6 months old and, in most cases, they will be irritable as they grow these out! In fact, your bubbly little ball of sunshine can turn into a ball of lightning in during this time in the blink of an eye. The process of teeth sprouting out can be a difficult and painful time for your baby and a daunting experience for you.  

Signs and symptoms:

Although some babies might go through this process without much of an effort, for others, it can be a complete nightmare. The cheek can become red and swollen, with the gum tending to become sore and inflamed. Your baby might drool more than he/she normally does and can become irritable and cranky. According to some mothers, the child might have a diaper rash or diarrhoea, but the experts totally negate that, declaring these conditions cause by some other reason. The point to note is that if your baby is feverish don’t just assume that it’s due to teething. Get your child checked up by the doctor to ensure there are no underlying conditions involved.

The teeth usually come out in sequence. So watch out for the two middle incisors on the bottom, and then the two top central teeth.

Although the teeth might seem intimidating, don’t worry about breastfeeding your baby. The bottom incisors are curtained by the baby’s tongue so there’s no chance of getting nipped.


  • Use a refrigerated teething ring to satisfy the baby’s urge to chew and calm the pain in their gums
  • Try out teething biscuits for on the go chewing
  • If your child gets a temperature, try infant paracetamol (following the okay from your doctor)
  • Rub a small amount of sugar-free teething gel on the gums (remember to buy according to your baby’s needs)
  • Try out homeopathic methods to help them through the discomfort of teething – teething crystals like Nelson’s Teetha are sought after for some mothers due to offering a relaxing effect on the inflamed gums
  • Utilise high quality soft bibs and Vaseline on the baby’s chin to prevent dribble going everywhere and sores from forming


Keeping the teeth healthy:

Focus on brushing your baby’s teeth with a baby toothbrush as soon as they start to appear and take form. The infant’s toothbrush consists of soft bristles and is small enough to fit on your fingertip. You may also go for a soft and clean muslin covered on your fingertip. Also, be careful to use the toothpastes made for babies that have a low fluoride content.

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