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Travelling With Little Ones

Travelling With Little Ones

As the weather gets less bearable on this side of the equator and Euro-summer-holiday-season approaches we have had a lot of thought about travelling with children.

Whether they are old enough to occupy themselves or too young to require their own seat there are a number of ways to make the journey a little easier.

If your from Australia, you understand one of the cons of living on our own secluded island is that any international travel is typically a minimum 6 hour flight. For those of you lucky enough to escape the winter weather and brave enough leg it to Europe, you have quite the timely journey ahead.

If your in it for the long haul the first thing we have to do is congratulate you on your bravery! Travelling with kids, if you didn't already know, can be nothing short of a nightmare.

But it also proves to create some of the most magical and special memories. The good times most definitely out-weigh the mid-flight tantrums.
Keeping a lid on the tantrums is not always possible, so sometimes a sneaky mid-flight wine is key!
It is important to make your children feel comfortable. Remembering that they are in a foreign environment with different noises, smells, people and locations can be quite confusing or un-settling for them. It is always a good idea to pack their favourite toy, blanket or which-ever keepsake settles them.

Here are some of our tips for flying with little ones:


This one doesn't just apply to the kids - food is a welcome distraction to break up a long flight for anyone. Be sure to pack the equivalent of unlimited snacks to keep the young ones occupied. Also check your online booking to make sure you book a baby meal. This option should appear when booking a flight, but if not it is easy to arrange!


This may just be the most crucial tip for flying with babies, kids or even for grown-ups, so read up! The timing of travel can make all the difference! It can influence behaviour, sleep pattern and all round energy levels. Booking a night time flight will give you opportunity to wear-out your young ones during the day in hope they sleep through the majority of the travel. The atmosphere on an overnight journey is usually really relaxed and quiet and mimics a typical night time scenario as lights are turned off.

A simple request:

There is always the awkward few hours you have to kill before or after a flight when you can’t check in or have already checked out of your accommodation. You would be surprised how far a simple phone call will go. The night before checking out it is worth ringing reception and using your best manners to simply ask for a late check-out. You would be surprised how often a hotel will happily help when all you do is ask!

We hope these tips help smooth your journey with the little ones! Enjoy your travels!

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