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Best Podcasts for Mums

Best Podcasts for Mums

As mums we are always looking for ways to multi-task. Podcasts allow you to be efficient while also engaging in entertainment; listen while you drive, while you cook, while you study or better yet while you parent! 

If you haven't heard, podcasts are the new form of entertainment!  They are educational and have the ability to engage you like no other. Some may make you laugh, make you cry or damn right terrify you (Casefile podcast we’re looking at you!!). 

Listen even when you don't have the time!

Thanks to the boom in podcast popularity it is now easier than ever to tune in, download or find a podcast on literally any topic. Podcasts for the most part are free and posted on easy to access sites like Itunes, Spotify and the Podcast App.

Other than its dose of entertainment it is a way to make daily tasks a bit more enjoyable. A long commute to work is an easy way to squeeze an episode of your favourite podcast in to your day.

We have scoured the internet for the best podcasts for Mum’s to listen to even when you don’t have the time!

1. Precious Little Sleep 

The 'Precious Little Sleep' podcast combines key parenting and sleep insights with advice from like-minded people! They cover topics all about sleep including independent sleep for your baby and calming techniques. As a parent we could even take away a thing of two!

2. The Everyday Mum 

The Everyday Mum podcast talks all things Mum. This podcast is about everyday mums making things work. Heidi Fitzpatrick is a working mum balancing all things in life and celebrating the wins and failures, because lets face it - there’s a lot of both! She interviews other mums and has created a ‘community of mums and chicks raising each other up to thrive in this crazy mess we call motherhood’!

3. The Mum Hour

Megan and Sarah are two American mother’s who created 'The Mom Hour', sharing their advice on pretty standard mum-duties but fill their episodes with loads of laughs, giving mundane motherhood tasks life. The two share their opinions and advice on things such as travelling with kids, life after divorce and also include a segment of listener questions.

4. The Longest Shortest Time 

The Longest Shortest Time is a ‘parenting show for everyone’ which tells stories of raising tiny humans. The award winning podcast discusses the differences in parenting styles and more serious topics like ‘The Political Power of Black Motherhood’. 

5. One Bad Mother

‘One Bad Mother’ is a light-hearted comedy filled podcast that discusses motherhood and how unnatural it can sometimes be. Some of their episodes include ‘Do You Let Your Kid Draw on You?’ and ‘Don’t be a Jerk to Your Father’. 

If these podcasts do not tickle your fancy there are pretty-much endless options out there.

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