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How To: Choose the Perfect Pram

How To: Choose the Perfect Pram

Buying a pram for the first time can be a little daunting. With so many brands, add-ons and product types on the market, where do you start?! Check out our list below to help you select the perfect pram for your baby.
Measure your car boot and other storage spaces where the pram might be held before shopping. Remember to take these measurements and a tape measure with you! This way you will be sure to know how much room you have to work with. Another helpful hint is that the smaller the pram the easier it will be to carry - which one parent will always end up doing at some point! Also try folding and unfolding the pram inside of the store, this way you’ll be able to see how much standing room you need for set-up and pack down. 

Here is a quick checklist to make sure the pram you choose is super safe:
 - Look for certification to Safety Standard AS/NZS 2088, preferably the 2013 version which is the latest and safest version.
 - Check for sharp or protruding parts or ones that could pose a choking risk, and gaps that could trap fingers or limbs.
 - Is there a child-resistant mechanism for locking and unlocking the frame?
 - Is the stroller stable enough not to tip easily?

Don’t forget the capsule
In this instance we mean… don’t forget to forget about the capsule! Most salespersons want you to part ways with your cash, and that usually means selling you a pram that will only las the first six to twelve months. Instead go in armed with the knowledge that your baby will definitely be fine in a regular pram without a capsule (as long as all safety requirements are met). 

Some add-ons and extras are a must and others are not needed at all! It’s time to research exactly what your pram will be used for and what extras you really need. If you live in a rainy climate, weather adaptable add ons such as a plastic screen will save you countless times. If you live in a super hot climate, this isn’t necessary! This is all dependant on your individual needs. 

It’s one thing to take the sales assistants advice, but it is another to hear what parents have to say! Jump online and read what parents who have used certain prams have to say about the product, then you will really find out what will work for you. 

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