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Best School Holidays Activities to Keep Kids Busy

Best School Holidays Activities to Keep Kids Busy

School holidays have just ended, and let’s guess - you found yourself out of ideas within the first week. If only you had a dollar for every time you’ve heard ‘I’m bored’...
Here at Milly and Henry without breaking the bank we have created a list of our favourite cost effective ideas to keep the kids entertained this school holidays.
  1. Camping in the backyard.
Think of it as a kiddy ‘stay-cation’. Obviously this one might not be as enjoyable in the winter holidays (depending where you live) but it is a pretty easy way to keep the kids excited and occupied. Get the kiddies excited by encouraging them to help set up a tent in the backyard. Allow them to take their favourite pillow and blanket and join them in the backyard! Don’t forget their best stuffed toy, whether it be their Jellycat bashful bunny or another teddy they treasure.
2. Movies.
A great way to beat the heat in the summer is to head to the land of air-conditioning, AKA the movie theater. Although they may be slightly outdated, the movies is still a fun experience for any age and the rarity of enjoying a movie with a friend makes it all the more exciting these days. Village Cinemas’ Vjunior movie cinemas incorporate all the fun of being a kid while watching a movie, a great way to kill a few hours!
3. Visit a farm.
Dust off your gumboots, our third suggestion is a farm visit! Every child loves animals, that's why visiting a farm next school holidays is the perfect way to fill up an entire day with an educational and exciting activity. Farm visits are quite common and easy to find, but Green Connect’s farm visits start from $2.00 and offer full insight to all farming activities including learning about all the animals!
4. Go on a walk through the city.
For little ones, anywhere outside the four walls of home is an adventure. Use this to your advantage by taking them through the city! Bright colours and sounds are candy to a child's imagination. With an abundance of things to point out to mummy the city also offers botanical gardens or large parks for when their little legs (and yours) get tired!
There are plenty of affordable and inventive activities available for entertaining the kids next school holidays! Be sure to plan ahead as popular activities can book out. Enjoy your next school break, love Milly and Henry!
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