Many new mums end up feeling like a real failure when they 'fail' to achieve baby routine perfection, which sounded so easy before your crying, hungry little baby arrived. It can be a rude shock when your baby won't follow the rules that you so eagerly and informatively planned out. Our first tip is to try and not stress too much. If you have a newborn it can be best to forget routines all together and attempt to go with the flow, for example demand-feeding. Once you reach the three month mark it can be time to try and introduce a routine, however start off very simple. Read below to see our super simple feed-play-sleep routine.
Many new mums end up feeling like a real failure when they 'fail' to achieve baby routine perfection, which sounded so easy before your crying, hungry little baby arrived. It can be a rude shock when your baby won't follow the rules that you so eagerly and informatively planned out. Our first tip is to try and not stress too much. If you have a newborn it can be best to forget routines all together and attempt to go with the flow, for example demand-feeding. Once you reach the three month mark it can be time to try and introduce a routine, however start off very simple. Read below to see our super simple feed-play-sleep routine.
Newborns spend most of their time asleep. They’re programmed to sleep in short bursts of about 2-3 hours between feeds, night and day.
Your baby will need your attention during the night for feeding and settling for up to the first six months. Some babies keep waking even after this.
Some parents opt for little or no routine at all, and are comfortable with following their baby’s lead.
Prepare to feed your baby once they awaken to get them alert, and then change their nappy. Then it is time to have a short ‘awake’ time.
‘Awake’ time during the day can include tummy-time, errands, and play. For young babies, playtime might just be a quiet cuddle or some time stretching out and kicking on a blanket. However at night you might choose not to play and instead focus on settling your baby straight back to sleep.
With a newborn, generally, you will see a tired sign within an hour from when your baby woke up. Any longer, and you risk having an over-tired baby who is very difficult to settle. It is then time to swaddle baby and pop them back to bed.
It is important to keep the lights down low in whichever location your baby is sleeping. Investing in blackout blinds can be a great help. This will teach your baby to associate darkness with sleep time.
Keeping a quiet voice and not speaking very much can help indicate that it is not time for play, and instead time for rest.
Learn to recognise your little ones tired signs which can include: yawning, jerky movements, rubbing eyes, crying, clenched fists, etc.
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